VanElse @PureLondon2016

The first exhibition at Pure London 2016 brought more brand awareness for VanElse. Visitors from all over the world visited the VanElse Stand at Pure London. Most of the visitors were attracted by the vibrant and colorful designs. One thing all buyers who visited the VanElse Stand had in common was that they were searching for an exclusive, fierce, feminine and strong brand which would stand out in their boutiques.

The visitors were mostly buyers from small exclusive boutiques and high end fashion web shops. Also a great deal of upcoming fashion designers, Fashion event managers, celebrity stylists and fashion students.

This experience was the most unexpected since starting with the VanElse brand 3 years ago. The exposure was overwhelming.

Being on a tradeshow for the first time promoting the VanElse brand and having an order placed already by a boutique was totally unexpected but yet awesome. The hard work has finally pays off for Else Hardjopawiro, designer of the VanElse brand.

The VanElse brand will be available throughout the world.